


Writing/Editing in Google Docs & Word

When I went to college I remember I was so proud to get my new typewriter. A Smith & Corona Selectric.


Well it was quite a bit more modern than this one, in fact my machine was state of the art for its time. Then technology progressed and I got an IBM PC Jr. that had a word processor and a dot matrix printer. It even had a “mouse”, sorry all you elephants in the room.




My point is, I predict that voice recognition is improving so rapidly that my students will use voice typing as their primary input to their devices before high school. Already we use it in our daily lives-think Alexa or Siri!

So here is a short video showing how I enable my students to use voice typing or STT (speech-to-text).

My apologies for the voice quality, looks like I need to adjust my settings.


Now, I can’t have the whole class using it at once given the quality of my headsets but the day will soon come. I think it is vitally important that they use a TTS (text-to-speech) app in order to listen to what they have voice typed. This kind of feedback loop will increase their independent editing skills. Much like we sometimes use these.

If you need any help, please let me know.


07.19.17 Here are other blogs on this topic:

Ideas for Using the Voice Typing Tool in Google Docs

Voice Typing in Google Docs

Microsoft Dictate

Text-To-Speech (TTS) Tools

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